Site 9, Northwest Business Park,

Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland


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Site 9, Northwest Business Park,

Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland


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Let’s face it—moving house is like having a second job that doesn’t pay. Between packing up the kids’ toys, sorting through years of “I’ll use this someday” items, and the inevitable “Where did I put the kettle?” moment, it’s enough to make anyone want to curl up in a corner with a cup of tea.

But what if I told you that you could slash your moving costs by 30%? Yes, you heard me right—30%!

house packing move dublin

Keep reading because we are about to show you how to save a chunk of change and reduce the stress of moving day.

1. The Art of Decluttering: Less is Definitely More

First off, let’s talk about decluttering. This isn’t just a Marie Kondo fad; it’s a tactical operation for cost-cutting. The less stuff you have to move in your house, the lower your bill. It’s that simple.

Case in point: The average moving company charges based on weight and volume. Let’s say you’re moving the contents of a three-bedroom house.

On average, that’s about 7,500 kg of “stuff.” Now, if you take the time to declutter and reduce your load by 20%, that’s 1,500 kg of weight off your bill!

Saving: With the average cost per kilogram around €0.50, you’re looking at saving €750. That’s your new TV paid for, folks!

2. Timing is Everything: Choose Your Moving Date Wisely

Believe it or not, moving companies are like airlines—they have peak and off-peak seasons. Want to save some money? Don’t move on a Friday, the end of the month, or during summer holidays.

Pro tip: Mid-week moves in the middle of the month can be up to 20% cheaper. That’s right! If you can swing it with your schedule, moving on a Tuesday in November instead of a Saturday in July could save you a bundle.

Example: If your move is estimated at €1,500 on a Saturday, switching to a Tuesday could drop that down to €1,200. That’s €300 that stays in your pocket.

3. Pack it Yourself—But Only the Small Stuff

Moving companies love it when you pack your own stuff. Why? It saves them time, and time is money. However, unless you’re secretly a Tetris master, leave the large items to the professionals. Improperly packed furniture can turn into a pricey disaster.

Data Point: On average, packing services can cost between €250 and €700. If you tackle the boxes and leave the big stuff to us, you could save half that amount—€125 to €250.

4. Get Multiple Quotes—And Leverage Them

We’re going to let you in on a little secret. We know you’re going to get multiple quotes—and we want you to. Why? Because it keeps everyone honest. But here’s the kicker: Use those quotes to your advantage.

Example: If you’ve got a quote from us at Dublin Removals for €1,800 but someone else quotes you €1,700, don’t just take it and run. Come back to us! We might not only match it but throw in an extra service or two to sweeten the deal.

Pro tip: 70% of customers who shop around and negotiate save an average of 15% on their total moving costs.

house removals dublin

5. The Sneaky Cost-Saving Combo: Movers + Storage

If you’re downsizing or there’s a gap between your move-out and move-in dates, you might need home storage. Combining moving and storage services can save you a pretty penny.

Stat: Moving and storage combos can reduce costs by up to 10% compared to booking separately. If you’re quoted €2,500 for both, combining could bring that down to €2,250. That’s €250 back in your budget!

6. The Importance of Insurance: It’s Cheaper Than You Think

Here’s a nightmare scenario: You’re halfway through your move when disaster strikes. The removals truck gets into a fender bender, and your prized possessions are at risk. Suddenly, that €50 insurance option looks like the bargain of the century.

Numbers Don’t Lie: Insurance for your move typically costs between 1-2% of the total value of the goods being moved. If you’re moving items worth €30,000, that’s just €300 to ensure everything’s covered. Without it? You could be looking at a loss in the thousands.

7. Use the Right Size Van: Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Another tip from the pros—using the right size van can save you money. Overestimating and booking a larger van than necessary means you’re paying for empty space. On the flip side, underestimating means multiple trips, which equals more hours and more cash.

Example: If a larger van costs €100 more but you end up needing two trips with a smaller one, that’s an extra hour at €60/hour. Do the math, and you’re better off with the right size van.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Just Move, Move Smart

Moving doesn’t have to drain your bank account. By being savvy about decluttering, timing, packing, and getting quotes, you can easily cut your moving costs by 30%. At Dublin Removals, we’re here to help you move smart, not just move.

So, why not put us to the test? Get in touch, get a quote, and let’s see how much we can save you. Because if there’s one thing we love more than moving, it’s helping you save while doing it.

Here’s to your stress-free, cost-effective move!

Dublin Removals
Moving Made Easy